Graffiti Tag near Brent Spence Bridge Cincinnati

Graffiti under or near Brent Spence Bridge Downtown Cincinnato

 You can see the upright support piers of the Brent Spence Bridge with Paul Brown Stadium looming in the background in this picture.   

I saw this piece of graffiti as I was driving home from a meeting. 

Obviously done with 1 layer of spray paint, not a very detailed multi layer deal , however it still stands. 

Assuming the tag was done where the shipping container sits, it is a tough tag to make. 

This road is busy and Cincinnati Pd is ever looming somewhere. 

The graffiti artist would have had his spray can and been walking through the area like a pedestrian or homeless type , a quick peak over his or her shoulder to the road to see if any cars were present. And upon not seeing any executed the tag in under 30 secs. 

Tucked the spray paint can and continued on walking blending into the night as a passerby 

- note... Im just a fan of graffiti. Im not a artist... I enjoy finding graffiti and understanding the difficulty level of how hard it was for the artist to pull off. 

For example the 2buk4evr tag on 171 on the highway overhang sign is what I consider to be the most difficult tage I've ever seen as far as accomplishing without getting caught. 

I have another tag on here thats between two gas pumps. Its not crazy insane beautiful or indents. But I enjoy understanding how the graffiti artist accomplished it without getting caught..... considering that gas station stays open 24/7 and there are cameras everywhere. 

Thats what I like about graffiti. 

I respect the stealthness that must be used , and understanding how it is applied. 

Also I have no idea even what the tag in this post says. 
